Session #1: Re-imagining Graduate Education

Session #1

Re-imagining Graduate Education 

Joshua Barker
Dean, School of Graduate Studies and
Vice-Provost, Graduate Research and Education

Highlights from Dean Barker

Discussion of key SGS values that underly our work

Inclusive excellence

Student-centered innovations

Collaboration and caring

Discussion of priorities for next five years

Ongoing COVID-19 adaptation and recovery: support and flexibility

Successful implementation of: 

  • Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision
  • Centre for Graduate Professional Development
  • Healthy Labs and Research Spaces
  • Tri-Campus Review recommendations
  • Guidelines for research opportunities with industry

Continue to streamline SGS processes based on equity, diversity and inclusion and mental health considerations

Discussion of building a strategic plan for the graduate community. Some possible elements introduced:

Engage in curricular and program renewal to build resilience and increase relevance

Facilitate and celebrate public scholarship and multi-disciplinary learning and exchange

Improve access, equity, and inclusion (pathway from admissions to graduation)

Conduct review of graduate activities on our “4th campus” (affiliated hospitals and institutes)

Grow graduate studies at UTM and UTSC

Highlights from break out group discussions

Need to focus on pathways for under-represented students

Need to foster the graduate student supervisory relationship and address poor supervision at all levels (department/division, SGS) Need to diversify career pathways and definition of success for graduate student training

Graduate education provides meaningful and unique experiences through:

  • Knowledge acquisition
  • Career advancement
  • Personal Development

Resources relevant to session