Oasis Workflow

Visit the Oasis Workflow developer website.

Editing and Creating a Page

  1. Login to website.
  2. Creating new page: go to step 5.
  3. Edit page: if page is already published, you will get a popup like below. If not go to step 5.
  4. A “Revision” page will be created. The existing page will remain live until the revision is reviewed.
  1. You can preview a page. Note that not all page elements may be viewable in “Preview” view.
  1. Submit for review.
    • You can add comments, set task priority and due date.
  1. SGS Communications reviews the page and either:
    • Publishes the page, in which case, the “Revised” page will replace the current page. 
    • Further edits are required, in which case you will receive an assignment in your workflow inbox, make the change, and submit it again.
  1. On the back-end, you can see your “Workflow history”.