Conversations with SGS

Conversations with SGS

Conversations with SGS is a series of sessions for faculty in administrative roles in graduate education at the unit level to come together to share experiences, lessons, and incorporate best practices into our work. See below for information about the 2024–2025 sessions, including registration links, panelists / presenters / participants, and highlights from our past sessions.


Winter 2025

The programming for Winter 2025 will be online via Microsoft Teams. Registration is required.

Fall 2024

The programming for Fall 2024 will be online via Microsoft Teams. Registration is required.

Session Highlights

Winter 2024


Session #1 — Understanding and Reviewing the Final Oral Examination

The Final Oral Examination (FOE) is one of the most important milestones in the professional trajectories of students and their supervisor(s). Come join the School of Graduate Studies in discussing the premise behind the current practices, as well as clarification of areas of confusion. Moreover, the Office of the Vice-Dean, Research and Program Innovation, along with the Program Completion Office, is undertaking a review of the current Final Oral Exam regulations and guidelines to make sure it meets the needs of the evolving landscape of unit practices and needs. As a first step in our review we invite you to this important conversation, so we can learn what is working for you and what you would like to see revised within the SGS guidelines.

Vina Goghari, Vice-Dean, Research and Program Innovation, SGS
Laura Stathopoulos, Director, Graduate Awards and Financial Aid, SGS
Lisa Haley, Senior Advisor & Manager, Graduate Program Completion and Postdoctoral Services, SGS

February 13, 2024
10 AM–11:30 AM ET


Session #2 — Generative AI in Graduate and Post-Doctoral Training

Generative AI has brought with it both opportunities and challenges for graduate and post-doctoral training. Opportunities exist in writing, idea generation, summarization, analysis etc. However, issues of academic and ethical integrity also exist. Come join us for an introduction to generative AI and a conversation on its transformative role in graduate education. Moreover, we look forward to learning how these developments in generative AI are impacting training in your areas, and where we can be of support.

Susan McCahan, Vice-Provost, Academic Programs and Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education
Alison Gibbs, Director, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation
Vina Goghari, Vice-Dean, Research and Program Innovation, SGS

March 19, 2024
10 AM–11:30 AM ET


Session #3 — Celebrating Excellence in the Design and Delivery of Graduate Education

Come learn about projects being done by your colleagues that enrich the learning experience of graduate students in both our research-based and professional degree programs, that create positive, innovative changes in the design and delivery of graduate education. Projects were supported by the SGS Graduate Education Innovation Fund (GEIF), and cover domains of experiential learning; interdisciplinary learning; technical innovation; Indigenous ways of knowing; diverse cultural perspectives; decolonization, anti-oppression, and anti-racism pedagogies; professional development; and public scholarship. Come engage in a stimulating discussion of program renewal with your colleagues.

Vina Goghari, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Professor, Psychological Clinical Science, Psychology, and Psychiatry
Vice-Dean, Research and Program Innovation, SGS
Associate Editor, Schizophrenia Bulletin
Associate Editor, Clinical Psychological Science
Jeannie Miller, Elizabeth Page-Gould, Erin Styles,
Lydia Wilkinson and Sherry Yu

April 16, 2024
9:30 AM–11 AM ET

Fall 2023


Session #1 — The Role of SGS in the Graduate Ecosystem: What SGS Can Do for You

Come join the Dean of SGS, Joshua Barker and the SGS team in discussing the role of SGS both as a central service, as well as a hub of promising practices for the graduate ecosystem. Learn what are current priorities in the Dean’s and Vice-Deans’ portfolios. Also, learn what our five centre and service directors can do for you and your students. Come inform us of what is working in your units and how we can better support the work that you do.

Joshua Barker, Dean of SGS & Vice-Provost, Graduate Research and Education
Vina Goghari, Vice-Dean, Research and Program Innovation, SGS
John Peever, Vice-Dean, Students, SGS
Rachael Cayley, Director, Centre for Graduate Professional Development, SGS
Jane Freeman, Director, Graduate Centre for Academic Communication, SGS
Aziza Kajan, Director, Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision, SGS
Sarah Peake, Director, Student Academic Services, SGS
Laura Stathopoulos, Director, Graduate Awards and Financial Aid, SGS

September 19, 2023
9:00 AM–10:30 AM ET


Session #2 — Graduate Academic Appeals

Come join the SGS and legal team in learning about graduate academic appeals, from the role of graduate faculty leaders in informal mediation, to the role of the Graduate Department Academic Appeals Committee (GDAAC), to the role of the Graduate Academic Appeals Board (GAAB). Learn how to set up the process for success at the Department level, as we share observations from our learnings at the second level up of the Graduate Academic Appeals Board (GAAB). Please invite your GDAAC Chairs to attend this event as well.

John Peever, Vice-Dean, Students, SGS
Leora Jackson, Legal Counsel
James Phillips, Senior Chair, Graduate Academic Appeals Board

November 14, 2023
9:00 AM–10:30 AM ET


Session #3 — Understanding Graduate Student Funding at U of T

Graduate student funding is often identified as a key priority for graduate units and divisions. Yet the way graduate students are funded can vary greatly from division to division, graduate unit to graduate unit, and program to program. This complexity can make it challenging for graduate leaders to understand the graduate student funding landscape as a whole, communicate to their students and faculty where their unit fits into this wider landscape, and take actions required to improve funding in their own domain.

This Conversations with SGS session is designed to inform graduate leaders about the overall landscape of graduate student funding and where they fit into it. It will describe: a) the foundational policies related to graduate student funding; b) how funding practices differ by program type and SGS division; c) opportunities to support international and underrepresented groups; d) why graduate funding is so pinched right now; e) what levers are available for making improvements to graduate funding at U of T.


November 23, 2023
9:00 AM–10:30 AM ET


Session #1 — Envisioning Graduate Education in the Post-Pandemic Era

Fahim Quadir, PhD, Vice-Provost and Dean, School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, Queen’s University
Chair, Ontario Council on Graduate Studies

September 29, 2022
10:00 AM–11:00 AM ET


Session #2 — Academic and Research Resiliency: Managing Impacted Student Trajectories

Vina Goghari, Vice-Dean, Research and Program Innovation, SGS
Josie Lalonde, Director, Student Academic Services, SGS
Emma Thacker, Director (Acting) Graduate Awards and Financial Aid, SGS
Jane Freeman, Director, Graduate Centre for Academic Communication, SGS
Caroline Rabbat, Director, Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision, SGS

November 15, 2022
10:00 AM–11:00 AM ET


Session #3 — Inclusive Pathways: Supporting International Students

Alexie Tcheuyap, Associate Vice-President and Vice-Provost, International Student Experience
Katherine Beaumont, Senior Director, Global Learning Opportunities & International Student Success, Centre for International Experience
Graeme Hirst, Associate Chair, Graduate Studies, Department of Computer Science
Scott Liao, Academic Director, Full Time MBA

February 21, 2023
10:00 AM–11:00 AM ET

Register for Session 3 (Zoom)

Session #4 — Managing Conflicts and Complaints Related to Graduate Supervision: Role of the Academic Administrators

Yana Yunusova, Acting Vice-Dean, Students, SGS
Caroline Rabbat, Director, Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision, SGS

April 17, 2023
10:00 AM–11:30 AM ET

Register for Session 4 (Zoom)

Session #5 — Leveraging Insights from SGS Data Dashboards to Maximize Graduate Program Success

Brian Desrosiers-Tam, Assistant Dean, SGS
Ellen MacPherson, Special Projects Officer, SGS
Grace Zhu, Data Analyst, SGS

June 19, 2023
10:00 AM–11:30 AM ET