Graduate Faculty Membership (GFM) Guidelines


At the University of Toronto, members of teaching staff do not automatically have supervisory privileges in graduate programs. Authority to teach or supervise graduate students is a separate layer of responsibility with specific criteria.

1. What is a GFM?

Definition: Graduate Faculty Memberships (GFMs) are made to graduate units for the purposes of graduate teaching and supervision in the graduate programs offered by graduate units. Responsibility for directing all elements of graduate teaching and supervision rests with members of the graduate faculty.

Authority to teach or supervise graduate students is a separate layer of responsibility with specific criteria.

In order to be eligible to hold any type of GFM, a person must first hold a faculty appointment (or be an Appointed Libarian III or IV) at the University of Toronto.

  • For tenured/tenure-stream faculty, a GFM is a requirement of their appointment: they are given a non-budgetary cross-appointment (primary GFM) to a graduate unit at the time they are hired. The graduate chair is expected to sign the letter of offer which includes the GFM.
  • All other faculty do not automatically have supervisory privileges in graduate programs.
  • Implicit in this is the notion that graduate teaching and supervision require specific expertise and are subject to a separate decision-making process.

All faculty members (and some Librarians) are eligible to hold some type of GFM:

  1. Appointed faculty including tenured/tenure-stream; continuing-stream, teaching-stream; and corresponding CLTA or part-time appointed faculty appointed under the Policy and Procedures on Academic Appointments.
  2. Appointed Librarians (III and IV) (see FAQ 6.1): See Policy for Librarians.
  3. Clinical faculty: See Policy for Clinical Faculty.
  4. Other faculty including Status-Only, Adjunct, Visiting, and Emeritus faculty. See the Academic Administrative Procedures Manual.

For exceptions including the roles non-faculty may perform in respect of graduate matters including sessional instructors, post-doctoral fellows, doctoral students, and staff, see Section 6.8.

2. Principles Governing GFM Eligibility

The type of GFM a faculty member is eligible to hold depends upon the following four considerations:

  • The type of GFM a faculty member is eligible to hold depends upon the faculty category they are in: whether tenured/tenure-stream; continuing-stream, teaching-stream; Status-Only, Adjunct, etc.
  • Within the general mapping of faculty categories to GFM eligibility, a number of finer distinctions are important including between:
    • Contractually limited term faculty (CLTA) who are appointed for a maximum of five years and grant-funded CLTA faculty. (See both categories in the GFM Explorer for details.) 
    • Status-Only faculty for whom the university is their only academic home and Status-Only faculty who are employees of other universities. (See both categories in the GFM Explorer for details.)

  • The length of the term of a faculty member’s appointment at U of T affects the type of GFM they might appropriately hold.
  • It would be potentially disruptive for someone appointed for a short term to serve as a member of a doctoral supervisory committee or as the co-supervisor of a doctoral candidate whose studies could extend for a longer period.
  • This affects, in particular, faculty in contractually limited term appointments and faculty in part-time appointments. (See the GFM Explorer for details.)

  • There is no general distinction based on rank with the one exception that faculty in conditional appointments may only ever hold an Associate GFM (Restricted) for which see FAQ 6.5.
  • The graduate chair or director is responsible for the professional development of junior colleagues and should be cognizant of their needs when offering membership in the graduate faculty.

  • Within specific graduate units/disciplines there may be specific criteria/expectations governing the level of GFM that faculty may be eligible for.
  • For example, in some units it may be appropriate for newly appointed assistant professors to assume the duties and responsibilities of full members, while in others junior faculty may first be appointed as associate members.

3. When is a GFM Required?

A GFM is required in order for a person to be engaged in any aspect of graduate teaching/supervision/examination. This includes:

Teaching a graduate course

Only members of the graduate faculty can be instructors in a graduate course at the University of Toronto. To teach in a graduate unit, a person must hold a GFM in the graduate unit that offers the course.

Serving as a formal member of a supervisory committee

To serve as a member of a supervisory committee (i.e., not the sole or co-supervisor), a person must hold an appropriate GFM. It need not be in the specific graduate unit that holds the degree program in which the student is enrolled.

Serving as a sole or co-supervisor

For supervision in a graduate unit, an individual should hold a graduate faculty membership (GFM) in the unit that holds the degree program in which the student is enrolled.

Serving as a voting member of a Final Oral Examination committee

To serve as a voting member of a Final Oral Examination committee, a person must hold an appropriate GFM (i.e., the GFM need not be in the graduate unit that holds the degree program in which the examinee is enrolled), with the exception of the external appraiser. The external appraiser if serving as a voting member of the Final Oral Examination Committee does not need a GFM.

4. GFM Details

A GFM is required in order for a person to be engaged in any aspect of graduate teaching/supervision/examination. This includes:

There are 5 types of GFM. These are:

  1. Associate GFM (Restricted)
    • The roles a person can appropriately perform are a subset of the roles open to someone holding an Associate GFM and must be specified.
    • In certain instances, the roles that may be specified are determined by the particular category a person is in. See FAQ 6.9.
  2. Associate GFM
  3. Full GFM
  4. Full GFM Emeritus
    • Open only to emeritus faculty who previously held a Full Graduate Faculty Membership (GFM).
    • Appropriate only in instances where the retired faculty member remains actively engaged in research/Creative Professional Achievement (CPA) and is accessible to graduate students.
  5. Associate GFM Emeritus
    • Open only to emeritus faculty who previously held an Associate Graduate Faculty Membership (GFM).
    • Appropriate only in instances where the retired faculty member remains actively engaged in scholarship and/or pedagogical/professional development and is accessible to graduate students.

There are many specific roles that a faculty member may perform in supporting graduate students. The following specifies the roles that faculty with each type of GFM may perform. This is a more detailed version of what is in Section 1.5 of the Graduate Calendar.

  • For faculty holding an Associate GFM (Restricted) the roles the person may perform must be specified and will depend on the specific context. See FAQ 6.9.
  • For faculty provided with a Full GFM Emeritus or Associate GFM Emeritus, certain roles require approval of the graduate chair.

Please click on one of the roles below for details.

Associate GFM (Restricted)

An Associate GFM (Restricted) may (if specified):
  • Teach, set, and mark examinations for a graduate course
  • Teach in a course-based master’s program
Supervision & Supervisory Committees
  • Supervise a master’s research project
  • Act as a member of a master’s thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • Act as a member of a professional doctoral thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • Act as the co-supervisor of a professional doctoral thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Act as a member of a PhD thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • Act as the co-supervisor of a PhD thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Serve as a voting member of a Final Oral Examination committee, where such examinations are required by SGS, and perform all associated duties

An Associate GFM (Restricted) may not:
  • (Normally) Act as the sole or major supervisor of a master’s thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Act as the sole or major supervisor of a professional doctoral thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Act as the sole or major supervisor of a PhD thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Assume lead responsibility for the setting and marking of comprehensive (general) exams. (May contribute to these processes as a member of the committee.)
  • Serve as chair of a Final Oral Examination committee, where such examinations are required by SGS, and perform all associated duties

Associate GFM

An Associate GFM may:
  • Teach, set, and mark examinations for a graduate course
  • Teach in a course-based master’s program
Supervision & Supervisory Committees
  • Supervise a master’s research project
  • Act as a member of a master’s thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • Act as the sole or major supervisor of a master’s thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Act as a member of a professional doctoral thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • Act as the co-supervisor of a professional doctoral thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Act as a member of a PhD thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • Act as the co-supervisor of a PhD thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Serve as a voting member of a Final Oral Examination committee, where such examinations are required by SGS, and perform all associated duties

An Associate GFM may not:
  • Act as the sole or major supervisor of a professional doctoral thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Assume lead responsibility for the setting and marking of comprehensive (general) exams. (May contribute to these processes as a member of the committee.)
  • Act as the sole or major supervisor of a PhD thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Serve as chair of a Final Oral Examination committee, where such examinations are required by SGS, and perform all associated duties

Full GFM

A Full GFM may:
  • Teach, set, and mark examinations for a graduate course
  • Teach in a course-based master’s program
Supervision & Supervisory Committees
  • Supervise a master’s research project
  • Act as a member of a master’s thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • Act as the sole or major supervisor of a master’s thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Act as a member of a professional doctoral thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • Act as the co-supervisor of a professional doctoral thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Act as the sole or major supervisor of a professional doctoral thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Act as a member of a PhD thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • Act as the co-supervisor of a PhD thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Act as the sole or major supervisor of a PhD thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Assume lead responsibility for the setting and marking of comprehensive (general) exams
  • Serve as a voting member of a Final Oral Examination committee, where such examinations are required by SGS, and perform all associated duties
  • Serve as chair of a Final Oral Examination committee, where such examinations are required by SGS, and perform all associated duties

Full GFM Emeritus

A faculty member holding a Full GFM Emeritus may perform all the roles of a full member, with the proviso that any new commitment to graduate supervision must be approved by their graduate chair. The Full GFM Emeritus is for a five-year term and should be reviewed every five years prior to renewal.

A Full GFM Emeritus may:
  • Teach, set, and mark examinations for a graduate course
  • Teach in a course-based master’s program
Supervision & Supervisory Committees
  • Supervise a master’s research project
  • Act as a member of a master’s thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • (With the approval of the graduate chair/director) Act as the sole or major supervisor of a master’s thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Act as a member of a professional doctoral thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • Act as the co-supervisor of a professional doctoral thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • (With the approval of the graduate chair/director) Act as the sole or major supervisor of a professional doctoral thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Act as a member of a PhD thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • Act as the co-supervisor of a PhD thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • (With the approval of the graduate chair/director) Act as the sole or major supervisor of a PhD thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Assume lead responsibility for the setting and marking of comprehensive (general) exams
  • Serve as a voting member of a Final Oral Examination committee, where such examinations are required by SGS, and perform all associated duties
  • Serve as chair of a Final Oral Examination committee, where such examinations are required by SGS, and perform all associated duties

Associate GFM Emeritus

A faculty member holding an Associate GFM Emeritus may perform all the roles of an Associate member, with the proviso that any new commitment to graduate supervision must be approved by their graduate chair. The Associate GFM Emeritus is for a five-year term and should be reviewed every five years prior to renewal.

An Associate GFM Emeritus may:
  • Teach, set, and mark examinations for a graduate course
  • Teach in a course-based master’s program
Supervision & Supervisory Committees
  • Supervise a master’s research project
  • Act as a member of a master’s thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • (With the approval of the graduate chair/director) Act as the sole or major supervisor of a master’s thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Act as a member of a professional doctoral thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • Act as the co-supervisor of a professional doctoral thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Act as a member of a PhD thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate
  • Act as the co-supervisor of a PhD thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Serve as a voting member of a Final Oral Examination committee, where such examinations are required by SGS, and perform all associated duties
An Associate GFM Emeritus may not:
  • Act as the sole or major supervisor of a professional doctoral thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Assume lead responsibility for the setting and marking of comprehensive (general) exams. (May contribute to these processes as a member of the committee.)
  • Act as the sole or major supervisor of a PhD thesis for students in the graduate unit
  • Serve as chair of a Final Oral Examination committee, where such examinations are required by SGS, and perform all associated duties

The GFM Explorer allows users to explore the mapping of GFM types to faculty categories and vice versa.

The existence of multiple types of GFM allows the university to engage many different categories of faculty (and limited others) in various aspects of graduate education to the benefit of our students.  

Note that some categories of faculty are eligible to hold more than one type of GFM. One of these GFM types will commonly be the ‘normal’ or most common. The decision about what is appropriate will depend on the specific circumstances.

Visit the GFM Explorer.

The end date of a faculty member’s GFM must be the same or earlier than the end date of their faculty appointment:

  • The GFM term for those holding Full or Associate GFMs must be less than or concurrent with their faculty appointment.
    • In particular, faculty in (non-grant funded) contractually limited term appointments or part-time appointments, status-only, and adjunct faculty should have limited term GFMs coinciding with the term of their faculty position.
      • Pre-tenure or pre-continuing status faculty should be given a GFM for the term of their probationary period (an initial 4 years, renewable for an additional 2 years pending a successful review). At the point they receive tenure or continuing status, their GFM may be continuing (i.e., to December 31, 9999).
  • Associate GFMs (Restricted) are always limited to the term of the roles assigned.
  • Emeritus faculty holding Full or Associate Emeritus GFMs should be appointed for the term of the roles assigned. They may only be appointed for a maximum of five years, renewable.

An individual’s GFM ends if/when their academic position ends for any reason including:

  • Retirement: a retired faculty member can only hold an Emeritus GFM. This requires explicit approval and is not automatic upon retirement.
  • Resignation: the faculty member’s GFM should be ended.
  • Death: the faculty member’s GFM should be ended.

Faculty members may hold:

A Primary GFM

Normally an individual faculty member’s first graduate faculty membership is held in the graduate unit affiliated most closely with the “home unit.”

An example is a case where a person holds a budgetary appointment in the Department of English and Drama at UTM and their primary GFM is in the (graduate) Department of English.

One or More Secondary GFMs

Graduate faculty membership(s) additional to an individual’s primary graduate faculty membership.

Note that a faculty member with a primary graduate faculty membership at the Associate GFM level should not normally be offered a Full GFM in another unit.

5. Process to Request a GFM

5.1.1 Responsibility for GFMs

Graduate faculty membership is initiated by the chair of the graduate unit. All GFMs are approved by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS). It is the responsibility of the graduate chair to confirm graduate membership to the faculty member. For tenured/tenure-stream faculty, a primary GFM is confirmed in the letter of offer but may also be communicated separately using the template letter.   

5.1.2 Clarity relative to graduate unit norms

The norms governing graduate faculty membership within each graduate unit should be guided by disciplinary custom and should be clear to all members of the graduate unit. In some units, for example, it may be appropriate for newly appointed assistant professors to assume the duties and responsibilities of full members while in others, junior faculty may first be appointed as associate members.

5.1.3 Consultation by the graduate chair

Academic unit chairs/deans/directors should be aware of any GFMs held by their faculty members. See below relative to access to current data.

  • In many instances, the graduate unit where a faculty member will hold their primary GFM will be closely associated with the academic unit in which they hold their budgetary appointment or faculty role.
    • Where the graduate chair of the graduate unit is not the same person as the academic unit chair, the graduate chair should discuss their intention to provide a faculty member with a GFM with the academic unit chair, before seeking SGS approval.
  • A faculty member, based on their specific expertise, may hold a primary or secondary GFM in a graduate unit less closely aligned with the academic unit where they hold their academic appointment or faculty position.
    • The graduate unit chair should seek the agreement in writing of the academic unit chair to any such GFM request before submitting the request in order to ensure that all parties are aware of workload, PTR, and other implications.

Each graduate chair should establish a committee or the equivalent to advise on graduate faculty memberships. The composition of the committee should be known to the graduate unit and should, if appropriate, change over time.

For new and renewal of graduate faculty memberships, complete the form online.

For exceptions or if you have any questions, please contact

Under the SGS Constitution it is the role of the Dean of SGS to “approve all graduate faculty memberships to ensure that they are in accordance with University and SGS policies and procedures.”

Graduate faculty membership must be recorded in the university’s Human Resources Information System (HRIS). Because the data is accessed by users for multiple purposes, it is critical that information is both complete and current.

Access for all academic administrators to the GFM data site (including deans, vice/associate deans, chairs, directors (EDU: A&B), and graduate unit chairs) will be managed automatically and centrally by SGS, while staff members in the Dean’s Office will be added manually.

6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where their expertise is pedagogically relevant, an Appointed Librarian (III or IV) may be given an Associate GFM.

It is best practice for the supervisor of a master’s thesis to hold either an Associate or Full GFM.

A retired faculty member must apply specifically for an Emeritus GFM through their graduate unit chair.

  • Emeritus GFMs are intended for faculty who have retired but wish to remain active in graduate education and whose contribution is helpful to the graduate unit.
  • The length of an Emeritus GFM should be limited to the term of the duties assigned, and be for no more than five years renewable.
  • Members emeriti may perform all duties of a full or associate member, but may only take on new supervision with the approval of the graduate chair or director.
  • A member emeritus should be permitted to assume additional responsibilities only if they remain actively engaged in research/Creative and Professional Activity (CPA) scholarship and/or pedagogical/professional development and is accessible to graduate students.

The type of GFM appropriate for a part-time faculty member will depend on the end date of their contract and the likelihood their employment will be renewed/continue long enough for them to fulfill their responsibilities. Initial part-time appointments are for one or two years. Following a successful review for a part-time continuing appointment, a part-time continuing appointment will not have an end date.

Faculty appointed to the tenure stream or in the continuing stream, teaching stream at the rank of Assistant Professor (Conditional) or Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream (Conditional) may only hold an Associate GFM (Restricted). Until the condition on their appointment is cleared (normally through completion of their own doctorate) they are not eligible to hold any other type of GFM. See also 6.9.1 below.

Where appropriate, provision may be made to allow a faculty member to continue in some kind of supervisory capacity for students in progress. Contact your dean and SGS to discuss appropriate options.

There are instances where it may be desirable to engage someone from outside the university in graduate matters based on their specific expertise. In each instance, the person must first be provided with the appropriate role by the academic unit head, after which they may be provided with the appropriate GFM. These include:

6.7.1 Faculty employed at other universities

These faculty may be provided with Status-Only appointments within the appropriate academic unit and an Associate GFM (Restricted). It is critically important that faculty from other institutions not serve as the sole supervisor of U of T graduate students at any level.

6.7.2 Research-intensive scholars in academic-like positions in institutions that are not universities

These individuals (presuming they conform to the terms set out in the Provostial Guidelines for the Appointment of Status-Only, Adjunct, and Visiting Professors) may be provided with Status-Only appointments within the appropriate academic unit and are eligible to hold a full GFM if appropriate based on their level of engagement in the university.

6.7.3 Individuals with expertise employed in roles that are not primarily academic

In conformity with the Provostial Guidelines for the Appointment of Status-Only, Adjunct, and Visiting Professors, these individuals may be given positions as Adjunct faculty by the appropriate academic unit and provided with an Associate GFM (Restricted).

The following may also engage in graduate activity where their expertise is deemed important in a specific graduate context. They are not eligible to hold faculty roles, but may be involved in graduate matters with specific restrictions.

6.8.1 Stipendiary/Sessional instructors

  • Are eligible for an Associate GFM (Restricted), only.
  • May only teach.
  • Must hold a GFM in the unit in which they teach.

6.8.2 Staff

  • May be hired to teach a graduate course where their expertise is of value.
  • Must hold a GFM in the unit in which they teach.
  • Are eligible for an Associate GFM (Restricted), only.
  • Professional/managerial staff should be hired as casual academics; USW staff should be hired as CUPE Unit 3.

6.8.3 Postdoctoral fellows

  • May be hired to teach a graduate course.
  • May not hold a GFM.
  • Must have assigned an instructor of record who is an appointed faculty member holding a GFM and who must sign off on the course outline, grades, etc. and ensuring there is no conflict of interest.
  • Must be hired as CUPE 3902 Unit 1 “Course Instructor.”

6.8.4 Doctoral students

  • May be hired to teach a graduate course where it isn’t within their program but where their expertise is relevant.
  • May not hold a GFM.
  • Must have assigned an instructor of record who is an appointed faculty member holding a GFM and who must sign off on the course outline, grades, etc. and ensuring there is no conflict of interest.
  • Must be hired as CUPE 3902 Unit 1 “Course Instructor.”

An Associate GFM (Restricted) allows a faculty member to perform the same roles that someone with an Associate GFM may perform (with one exception: they would not normally act as the sole or major supervisor of a master’s thesis for students in the graduate unit).

The key difference is that the roles that a person who is eligible to hold an Associate GFM (Restricted) may perform must be specified in the letter confirming their GFM. The list of roles that someone with an Associate GFM (Restricted) may, in general, perform is detailed in 4.2 above. When preparing a letter conferring an Associate GFM (Restricted), the graduate chair/director should carefully consider what roles are appropriate to the particular person, based on their expertise, the faculty category they are in, and the needs of students.

For a limited number of categories of faculty (and others), there are restrictions on the specific roles that may be specified, as follows:

6.9.1 Assistant Professor (Conditional)

As noted in 6.4 above, an Associate GFM (Restricted) is the only GFM type that a faculty member at the rank of Assistant Professor (Conditional) or Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream (Conditional) may hold. There are no formal limitations on the roles they may perform; it will depend on disciplinary norms, whether this includes co-supervision of a doctoral student.

6.9.2 Adjunct Faculty

The only appropriate type of GFM for adjunct faculty is an Associate GFM (Restricted). This is because adjunct faculty are “individuals who are employed elsewhere in a position that is not primarily academic in nature.” They are given an adjunct faculty appointment because they “have special skills or learning of value to a unit and who may provide services for which recognition is desirable may be appointed as an Adjunct faculty member for a limited term.”

As a member of the graduate faculty, they may be approved to perform a specific sub-set of roles which must be specified in their GFM letter. On a case-by-case basis, where their expertise is pedagogically relevant, they may:

  • Teach, set, and mark examinations for a graduate course.
  • Teach in a course-based master’s program.
  • Act as a member of a master’s thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate.
  • Act as a member of a professional doctoral thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate.
  • Act as a member of a PhD thesis committee for students in any graduate unit, as appropriate.
  • Serve as a voting member of a Final Oral Examination committee, where such examinations are required by SGS and perform all associated duties.

6.9.3 Visiting Professor

The only type of GFM a visiting professor should hold is an Associate GFM (Restricted). Because of the nature of their position, they should only be approved to teach a graduate course.

6.9.4 Staff who are given a GFM

The only type of a GFM that a staff member may hold is an Associate GFM (Restricted). Staff, as per 6.8.2 above, must hold a GFM to teach.

There are limits to the roles they should be approved to perform. They may:

  • Be approved to serve as a member of a master’s thesis committee only where they have appropriate and substantial expertise.
  • Only very exceptionally sit on the supervisory committee of a professional doctoral thesis, with permission, where their expertise is relevant.
  • Only very exceptionally sit on a PhD thesis committee, with permission where their expertise is relevant.

They may not:

  • Act as the co-supervisor of a professional doctoral thesis for students in the graduate unit.
  • Act as the co-supervisor of a PhD thesis for students in the graduate unit.
  • Serve as a voting member of a Final Oral Examination committee, where such examinations are required by SGS and perform all associated duties.

6.9.5 Sessional or Stipendiary Instructors who are given a GFM

Sessional instructors are only eligible to hold an Associate GFM (Restricted) as per 6.8.1 and should only be approved to teach a graduate course.

6.9.6 Senior Research Associates

Senior Research Associates are only eligible to hold an Associate GFM (Restricted) and should only be approved to teach a graduate course.