Adding a New Event

Add events to the SGS calendar.

  1. Log into the website
  2. Add New Event from the top menu, or the side menu on the left-hand side of your dashboard.

3. Fill in the following information:

  • Title
  • Date and time (be sure Toronto timezone is selected)
  • Short description
  • Organizer (your program / department)
  • Venue (if the event is online, leave the venue blank or write “Zoom”)
  • Registration link (write “Register now” or “More information” in the field that says “Add Event Website” and insert the registration url below)

Do not delete any of the fields or the content will show up incorrectly on the event page.

4. Select a category for your event. If you are adding a new category, go to Events>Events Categories from your dashboard to select a colour for the new category.

5. Publish your event. Review the event calendar and your event page to check that the your information is correct.